The Voice For Truth

Welcome! Whoever you think you are, wherever you appear to be in the desperate sea of chaos that is this world, let the breath of this timeless Voice of Enlightened Mind rekindle in you the ancient memory of your own perfect reality. This is your transitional passage from time to Eternity, where the prophesy of your Awakening is fulfilled, at last. Thank you for joining me in this Advent of a Great Awakening!

Welcome Message

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Songs of Kabir

If you don't break your ropes while you're alive, do you think ghosts will do it after? What is found now is found then. If you find nothing now, you will simply end up with an apartment in the city of death."

"What had death and a thick body dances before what has no thick body and no death. The trumpet says: 'I am you.' The spiritual master arrives and bows down to the beginning student. Try to live to see this!"

- Songs of Kabir

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A personal Invitation for you

All of you out there, wherever or whenever you think you are, you are invited to this gathering. This is a celebration of the homecoming of the teachers of God. You are one of us as we are one together. I invite you to the miraculous advent of the reunion of your mind with the Mind of God. You've come a long way; you are very much closer to the end of time than you realize. Now is it time at last to free yourself from this chaotic world of loneliness and loss and pain and death. A world constructed by your own nightmare of self-identity. It was only a meaningless place that justified your continuing need of self-sacrifice and annihilation. You have been using it in order to verify and sustain your apparent existence, and now at last it has become intolerable to you.

Come then, be freed of this burden of fear and self-doubt that you thought was a necessary and inescapable part of your existence. Come and free yourself that the world may be free. Come now to this celebration, you who are heavy laden. I invite you to experience the incomparable healing energies of love emanating from this ever-expanding circle of atonement. It is formed with teachers of God through their uncompromising commitment to and recognition of the miraculous, spontaneous transformation and illumination of their individual minds and bodies. Listen carefully: Stay watchful for the love that is all about you. Come and lay aside the grievances of your old pitifully fearful helpless self. You are entering into a brand new yet very ancient rapidly accelerating continuum of time, in which you will recognize yourself as a perfect creation of God.

Check out this link!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
*Order your copy of the NEW A Course in Miracles - The Advent of a Great Awakening edition
(with Aramaic Gospels and a few other surprises):

Monday, August 22, 2005

Prayer of the Heart - The power of decision is my own

No one can suffer loss unless it be his own decision. No one suffers pain except his choice elects this state for him. No one can grieve nor fear nor think him sick unless these are the outcomes that he wants. And no one dies without his own consent. Nothing occurs but represents your wish, and nothing is omitted that you choose. Here is your world, complete in all details. Here is its whole reality for you. And it is only here salvation is.You may believe that this position is extreme, and too inclusive to be true. Yet can truth have exceptions? If you have the gift of everything can loss be real? Can pain be part of peace, or grief of joy? Can fear and sickness enter in a mind where love and perfect holiness abide? Truth must be all-inclusive if it be the truth at all. Accept no opposite and no exceptions, for to do so is to contradict the truth entirely.

Salvation is the recognition that the truth is true and nothing else is true. This you have heard before, but may not yet accept both parts of it. Without the first the second has no meaning, but without the second is the first no longer true. Truth cannot have an opposite. This can not be too often said and thought about. For if what is not true is true as well as what is true, then part of truth is false, and truth has lost its meaning. Nothing but the truth is true, and what is false is false.This is the simplest of distinctions, yet the most obscure. But not because it is a difficult distinction to perceive. It is concealed behind a vast array of choices which do not appear to be entirely your own. And thus the truth appears to have some aspects that belie consistency, but do not seem to be but contradictions introduced by you. As God created you, you must remain unchangeable with transitory states by definition false. And that includes all shifts in feeling, alterations in conditions of the body and the mind, in all awareness and in all response. This is the all-inclusiveness which sets the truth apart from falsehood, and the false kept separate from the truth as what it is. Is it not strange that you believe to think you made the world you see is arrogance? God made it not. Of this you can be sure. What can He know of the ephemeral, the sinful and the guilty, the afraid, the suffering and lonely, and the mind that lives within a body that must die? You but accuse Him of insanity, to think He made a world where such things seem to have reality. He is not mad. Yet only madness makes a world like this. To think that God made chaos, contradicts His Will, invented opposites to truth, and suffers death to triumph over life, all this is arrogance. Humility would see at once these things are not of Him. And can you see what God created not? To think you can is merely to believe you can perceive what God willed not to be. And what could be more arrogant than this?
Let us today be truly humble, and accept what we have made as what it is. The power of decision is our own. Decide but to accept your rightful place as co-creator of the universe, and all you think you made will disappear. What rises to awareness then will be all that there ever was, eternally as it is now. And it will take the place of self-deceptions made but to usurp the altar to the Father and the Son. Today we practice true humility, abandoning the false pretense by which the ego seeks to prove it arrogant. Only the ego can be arrogant. But truth is humble in acknowledging its mightiness, itschangelessness and its eternal wholeness, all-encompassing, God’s perfect gift to His beloved Son. We lay aside the arrogance which says that we are sinners, guilty and afraid, ashamed of what we are. And lift our hearts in true humility instead to Him Who has created us immaculate, like to Himself in power and in love.
The power of decision is our own. And we accept of Him that which we are, and humbly recognize the Son of God.To recognize God’s Son implies as well that all self-concepts have been laid aside and recognized as false. Their arrogance has been perceived. And in humility the radiance of God’s Son, his gentleness, his perfect sinlessness, his Father’s Love, his right to Heaven and release from hell are joyously accepted as our own. Now do we join in glad acknowledgment that lies are false and only truth is true. We think of truth alone as we arise, and spend five minutes practicing its ways, encouraging our frightened minds with this:

“The power of decision is my own. This day I will accept myself as what My Father’s Will created me to be.”

Then will we wait in silence, giving up all self-deceptions as we humbly ask our Self that He reveal Himself to us. And He Who never left will come again to our awareness, grateful to restore His home to God as it was meant to be. In patience wait for Him throughout the day, and hourly invite Him with the words with which the day began, concluding it with this same invitation to your Self. God’s Voice will answer, for He speaks for you and for your Father. He will substitute the peace of God for all your frantic thoughts, the truth of God for self-deceptions, and God’s Son for your illusions of yourself.

-A Course in Miracles, Workbook Lesson 152

Saturday, August 20, 2005

I once was lost but now I'm found

The heavens are pure and clear without shadow of strain, out of space and out of time. Nothing corporeal is found there. Their revolutions are incredibly swift and independent of time, though time depends on them. Nothing hinders the soul so much in attaining to the knowledge of God as time and place. Therefore, if the soul is to know God, it must know Him outside time and place, since God is neither in this or that, but One and above them. If the soul is to see God, it must look at nothing in time; for while the soul is occupied with time or place or any image of the kind, it cannot recognize God. If it is to know Him, it must have no fellowship with nothingness. Only he knows God who recognizes that all creatures are nothingness. I say moreover: If the soul is to know God it must forget itself and lose itself, for as long as it contemplates self, it cannot contemplate God. When it has lost itself and everything in God, it finds itself again in God when it attains to the knowledge of Him, and it finds also everything which it had abandoned complete in God.

-Meister Eckhart's Sermons

Friday, August 19, 2005

I Want the Peace of God

Please share this message with all your friends
in support of International Day of Peace, September 21. 2005.

"I want the Peace of God"

Click Here to view slideshow with audio:
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It is my favorite Homepage. . .
a window to the REAL World!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


When you see yourself and someone else as one being,
when you know the most joyful day and the most terrible night as one moment,
then awareness is alone with it's Lord.
Fearful, always-moving mind,
the One who has no beginning is thinking
of how hunger may fall away from you.
No ritual, no religion, is needed.
Just cry out one unobstructed cry.

I wearied myself searching for the Friend
with efforts beyond my strength.
I came to the door and saw how powerfully the locks were bolted.
And the longing in me became that strong,
and then I saw I was gazing from within the presence.
With that waiting, and in giving up all trying,
only then did Lalla flow out from where I knelt.

Everything is new now for me. My mind is new, the moon, the sun.
The whole world looks rinsed with water,
washed in the rain of I AM THAT.
Lalla leaps and dances inside the energy that created
and sustains the universe.
-Lalla Ishwari, "Naked Song," 14th century Kashmir
* * * * * * *
Listen to this Audio!
"I Am Sustained by the Love of God"
20 min book-daily meditation
from the review lessons
of A Course In Miracles

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Kierkegaard...On Love

So now with love. What love does, that it is; what it is, that it does-- and at one and the same time: at the very moment it goes out of itself (the direction outward) it is in itself (the direction inward); and at the very moment, it is in itself, it thereby goes out of itself -- so that this outgoing and this return, this return and this outgoing, are simultaneously one and the same.

When we say that "Love gives fearlessness," we mean by that, that the lover by his very nature makes others fearless; wherever love is present, it spreads fearlessness; one freely approaches the lover, for he drives out fear. Whereas the suspicious man frightens everyone away from him, whereas the cunning and the crafty spread fear and painful unrest about them, whereas the presence of the tyrant oppresses like the heavy pressure of sultry air- love gives fearlessness. But when we say that "love gives fearlessness," we also say at the same time something else, that the lover has fearlessness, just as it is said that love gives boldness on the day of judgment, that is, it makes the lover fearless in the judgment.

...God is love, and when a man from love forgets himself, how then could God forget him! No, while the lover forgets himself and thinks of the other man, God thinks of the lover. The self-lover is busy, he shrieks and shouts, and stands for his rights in order to make certain of not being forgotten - and yet, he is forgotten; but the lover who forgets himself, he is remembered by love. There is One who thinks of him, and thereby it comes to pass that the lover gets what he gives.

-from "Love Covereth A Multitude of Sins" in A Kierkegaard Anthology

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

No one can fail who seeks to reach the Truth

Failure is all about you while you seek for goals that cannot be achieved. You look for permanence in the impermanent; for love where there is none; for safety in the midst of danger; immortality within the darkness of the dream of death. Who could succeed where contradiction is the setting of his searching, and the place to which he comes to find stability? Goals which are meaningless are not attained. There is no way to reach them, for the means by which you strive for them are meaningless as they are. Who can use such senseless means and hope through them to gain in anything? Where can they lead? And what could they achieve that offers any hope of being real? Pursuit of the imagined leads to death because it is the search for nothingness, and while you seek for life you ask for death. You look for safety and security while in your heart you pray for danger and protection for the little dream you made.Yet searching is inevitable here. For this you came, and you will surely do the thing you came for. But the world can not dictate the goal for which you search unless you give it power to do so. Otherwise, you still are free to choose a goal that lies beyond the world and every worldly thought, and one which comes to you from an idea relinquished yet remembered, old yet new; an echo of a heritage forgot, yet holding everything you really want.

Be glad that search you must. Be glad as well to learn you search for Heaven, and must find the goal you really want. No-one can fail to want this goal, and reach it in the end. God’s Son cannot seek vainly, though he try to force delay, deceive himself, and think that it is hell he seeks. When he is wrong he finds correction, when he wanders off he is led back to his appointed task. No-one remains in hell, for no one can abandon his Creator, nor affect His perfect, timeless and unchanging Love. You will find Heaven. Everything you seek but this will fall away, yet not because it has been taken from you. It will go because you do not want it. You will reach the goal you really want as certainly as God created you in sinlessness.

Why wait for Heaven? It is here today. Time is the great illusion it is past or in the future. Yet this cannot be if it is where God wills His Son to be. How could the Will of God be in the past or yet to happen? What He wills is now, without a past and wholly futureless. It is as far removed from time as is a tiny candle from a distant star, or what you chose from what you really want.Heaven remains your one alternative to this strange world you made and all its ways; its shifting patterns and uncertain goals, its painful pleasures and its tragic joys. God made no contradictions. What denies its own existence and attacks itself is not of Him. He did not make two minds, with Heaven as the glad effect of one, and earth the other’s sorry outcome which is Heaven’s opposite in every way. God does not suffer conflict. Nor is His creation split in two. How could it be His Son could be in hell when God Himself established him in Heaven? Could he lose what the Eternal Will has given him to be his home forever? Let us not try longer to impose an alien will upon His single purpose. He is here because He wills to be, and what He wills is present now beyond the reach of time.Today we will not choose a paradox in place of truth. How could the Son of God make time to take away the Will of God? He thus denies himself, and contradicts what has no opposite. He thinks he made a hell opposing Heaven, and believes that he abides in what does not exist, while Heaven is the place he cannot find. Leave foolish thoughts like these behind today, and turn your mind to true ideas instead. No one can fail who asks to reach the truth, and it is truth we ask to reach today.

We will devote ten minutes to this goal three times today, and we will ask to see the rising of the real world to replace the foolish images that we held dear, with true ideas arising in the place of thoughts which have no meaning, no effect, and neithersource nor substance in the truth.This we acknowledge as we start upon our practice periods. Begin with this:

“I ask to see a different world, and think a different kind of thought from those I made.The world I seek I did not make alone,the thoughts I want to think are not my own.”

For several minutes watch your mind and see, although your eyes are closed, the senseless world you think is real. Review the thoughts as well which are compatible with such a world, and which you think are true. Then let them go, and sink below them to the holy place where they can enter not. There is a door beneath them in your mind which you could not completely lock to hide what lies beyond. Seek for that door and find it. But before you try to open it, remind yourself no-one can fail who asks to reach the truth, and it is this request you make today. Nothing but this has any meaning now; no other goal is valued now nor sought; nothing before this door you really want, and only what lies past it do you seek.

Put out your hand and see how easily the door swings open with your one intent to go beyond it. Angels light the way, so that all darkness vanishes and you are standing in a light so bright and clear that you can understand all things you see. A tiny moment of surprise, perhaps, will make you pause before you realize the worldyou see before you in the light reflects the truth you knew, and did not quite forget in wandering away in dreams. You cannot fail today. There walks with you the Spirit Heaven sent you that you might approach this door some day, and through His aid slip effortlessly past it to the light. Today that day has come. Today God keeps His ancient promise to His holy Son, as does His Son remember his to Him. This is a day of gladness, for we come to the appointed time and place where you will find the goal of all your searching here and all the seeking of the world, which ends together as you pass beyond the door. Remember often that today should be a time of special gladness, and refrain from dismal thoughts and meaningless laments. Salvation’s time has come. Today is set by Heaven Itself to be a time of grace for you and for the world. If you forget this happy fact, remind yourself with this:

“Today I seek and find all that I want. My single purpose offers it to me. No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.”

-A Course in Miracles, Workbook Lesson 131

Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Evolutionary Quantum Leap

Christ does not act as a dead or passive point of convergence, but as a center of radiation for the energies that lead the universe back to God through humanity, the layers of divine action finally come to us impregnated with divine organic energies. Not in a metaphysical but in a physical sense, the Energy of Incarnation was to flow into, and so illuminate and give warmth to even wider and more tightly encircling forms of embrace.

Starting from an evolutive Omega at which we assume Christ to stand, not only does it become possible to conceive Christ as radiating physically over the terrifying totality of things, but, what is more, that radiation must inevitably work up to a maximum of penetrative and activating power. The cosmic-Christ becomes cosmically possible. To sum up, Cosmogenesis reveals itself, along the line of its main axis, first as Biogenesis and then Noogenesis, and finally culminates in Christogenesis.

There are two sides to this operation, the constructive and the destructive; and when Christ is installed at Omega Point it is both these two sides that are covered and permeated by a flood of unitive force. In one great surge, Cosmogenesis becomes personalized, both in the things it adds, which centrify us for Christ, and in the things it subtracts, which draw us out of our own centers onto him.

A current of love is all at once released, to spread over the whole breadth and depth of the World; and this it does as a fundamental essence which will metamorphose all things, assimilate and take the place of all. There is, in truth, a secret message, explanatory of the whole of Creation, which by allowing us to feel God in everything we do, and in everything that is done to us (God creating all things and being born in all things) can bring true happiness to our generation. Christ is incarnate; incarnate through the combined action of determinant and liberating factors, and of grace.

-Meditations with Teilhard de Chardin

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Behold, I show you a mystery

Behold, I show you a mystery: we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

-The Apostle Paul, I Corinthians 15: 51- 53

click here to see and listen to scroll of our Transfiguration with Master Jesus

Monday, August 01, 2005

For They Have Come