Kierkegaard...On Love

When we say that "Love gives fearlessness," we mean by that, that the lover by his very nature makes others fearless; wherever love is present, it spreads fearlessness; one freely approaches the lover, for he drives out fear. Whereas the suspicious man frightens everyone away from him, whereas the cunning and the crafty spread fear and painful unrest about them, whereas the presence of the tyrant oppresses like the heavy pressure of sultry air- love gives fearlessness. But when we say that "love gives fearlessness," we also say at the same time something else, that the lover has fearlessness, just as it is said that love gives boldness on the day of judgment, that is, it makes the lover fearless in the judgment.
...God is love, and when a man from love forgets himself, how then could God forget him! No, while the lover forgets himself and thinks of the other man, God thinks of the lover. The self-lover is busy, he shrieks and shouts, and stands for his rights in order to make certain of not being forgotten - and yet, he is forgotten; but the lover who forgets himself, he is remembered by love. There is One who thinks of him, and thereby it comes to pass that the lover gets what he gives.
-from "Love Covereth A Multitude of Sins" in A Kierkegaard Anthology
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