The Evolutionary Quantum Leap

Starting from an evolutive Omega at which we assume Christ to stand, not only does it become possible to conceive Christ as radiating physically over the terrifying totality of things, but, what is more, that radiation must inevitably work up to a maximum of penetrative and activating power. The cosmic-Christ becomes cosmically possible. To sum up, Cosmogenesis reveals itself, along the line of its main axis, first as Biogenesis and then Noogenesis, and finally culminates in Christogenesis.
There are two sides to this operation, the constructive and the destructive; and when Christ is installed at Omega Point it is both these two sides that are covered and permeated by a flood of unitive force. In one great surge, Cosmogenesis becomes personalized, both in the things it adds, which centrify us for Christ, and in the things it subtracts, which draw us out of our own centers onto him.
A current of love is all at once released, to spread over the whole breadth and depth of the World; and this it does as a fundamental essence which will metamorphose all things, assimilate and take the place of all. There is, in truth, a secret message, explanatory of the whole of Creation, which by allowing us to feel God in everything we do, and in everything that is done to us (God creating all things and being born in all things) can bring true happiness to our generation. Christ is incarnate; incarnate through the combined action of determinant and liberating factors, and of grace.
-Meditations with Teilhard de Chardin
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