The Voice For Truth

Welcome! Whoever you think you are, wherever you appear to be in the desperate sea of chaos that is this world, let the breath of this timeless Voice of Enlightened Mind rekindle in you the ancient memory of your own perfect reality. This is your transitional passage from time to Eternity, where the prophesy of your Awakening is fulfilled, at last. Thank you for joining me in this Advent of a Great Awakening!

Welcome Message

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Jesus Speaks on His Physical Resurrection

My body disappeared because I had no illusion about it. The last one had gone. It was laid in the tomb, but there was nothing left to bury. It did not disintegrate because the unreal cannot die. It merely became what it always was. And that is what “rolling the stone away” means. The body disappears, and no longer hides what lies beyond. It merely ceases to interfere with vision. To roll the stone away is to see beyond the tomb, beyond death, and to understand the body’s nothingness. What is understood as nothing must disappear.

I did assume a human form with human attributes afterwards, to speak to those who were to prove the body’s worthlessness to the world. This has been much misunderstood. I came to tell them that death is illusion, and the mind that made the body can make another since form itself is an illusion. They did not understand. But now I talk to you and give you the same message. The death of an illusion means nothing. It disappears when you awaken and decide to dream no more. And you still do have the power to make this decision as I did.

God holds out His hand to His Son to help him rise and return to Him. I can help because the world is illusion, and I have overcome the world. Look past the tomb, the body, the illusion. Have faith in nothing but the spirit and the guidance God gives you. He could not have created the body because it is a limit. He must have created the spirit because it is immortal. Can those who are created like Him be limited? The body is the symbol of the world. Leave it behind. It cannot enter Heaven. But I can take you there any time that you choose. Together we can watch the world disappear and its symbol vanish as it does so. And then, and then — I cannot speak of that.

A body can not stay without illusion and the last one to be overcome is death. This is the message of the crucifixion; There is no order of difficulties in miracles. This is the message of the resurrection: Illusions are illusions. Truth is true. Illusions vanish. Only truth remains.

These lessons needed to be taught but once, for when the stone of death is rolled away, what can be seen but an empty tomb? And that is what you see who follow me into the sunlight and away from death, past all illusions, on to Heaven’s gate, where God will come Himself to take you home.

-Jesus Christ
From the Original Text of A Course In Miracles

Saturday, July 30, 2005

You May Be Having Light Experiences

"Know ye not ye must be born again, Nicodemus?" -J.C.

As you embark on the Awakening process, you should be forewarned that it is a physical process. As the mind begins to activate and transform through revelation, vision, and through direct contact with God and Reality, the body also begins to transform. There have been a multitude of teachings and references to these symptoms of Spiritual Awakening, such as Kundalini Awakening, Yoga, Meditation, Spontaneous Remissions, Healing, Initiation, being Born Again, and so on. All are attempts to facilitate and complete the process of the newly emerging consciousness to light.

Symptoms of awakening are varied, and often quite dramatic, such as energy surges, visions, revelations, alteration of time and space, shifts in body temperature, loss/gain of appetite, loss/gain of ability to sleep, disorientation, vastly increased sensitivity and emotions, instances of unexplainable peace, uncontrollable joy and so forth. Fear not. It is but a natural process, inherent in what you are. Your mind and idea of yourself are rapidly expanding beyond the limited definitions you heretofore used as a guide for your existence and self identity. You are now gaining a much broader, brighter view of yourself, the world, and the Universe. It may very well stir you up. Let these symptoms of awakening inspire and excite you. Something ancient, new and extraordinary is happening to you and you are not alone. People all around the globe are suddenly having experiences "not of this world".

Everything in the Universe is available to help you, and wants only that you discover your state of Eternal joy. You are being guided by those who have undergone and completed their own processes, and they stand at the end of time, waiting to assist you. Trust in them. There are also those who have undergone their own processes who are here now, in full service to your transformation. Are you ready for a miracle? The awakening process does not take time but only willingness. God does the rest. You cannot fail. Please do not hesitate to ask for help. We Love you!

If you are having experiences and need help anytime, day or night, please contact:
1-608-253-HEAL (4325)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Let me be still and listen to the Truth

If you will lay aside the ego’s voice however loudly it may seem to call; if you will not accept its petty gifts which give you nothing that you really want; if you will listen with an open mind, which has not told you what salvation is; then you will hear the mighty Voice of truth, quiet in power, strong in stillness, and completely certain in Its messages.

Listen, and hear your Father speak to you through His appointed Voice, Which silences the thunder of the meaningless, and shows the way to peace to those who cannot see. Be still today and listen to the truth. Be not deceived by voices of the dead which tell you they have found the source of life, and offer it to you for your belief. Attend them not, but listen to the truth. Be not afraid today to circumvent the voices of the world, walk lightly past their meaningless persuasion. Hear them not. Be still today and listen to the truth. Go past all things which do not speak of Him Who holds your happiness within His hand, held out to you in welcome and in love. Hear only Him today, and do not wait to reach Him longer. Hear one Voice today. Today the promise of God’s Word is kept.

Hear and be silent. He would speak to you. He comes with miracles a thousand times as happy and as wonderful as those you ever dreamt or wished for in your dreams. His miracles are true. They will not fade when dreaming ends. They end the dream instead; and last forever for they come from God to His dear Son, whose other name is you. Prepare yourself for miracles today. Today allow your Father’s ancient pledge to you and all your brothers to be kept. Hear Him today, and listen to the Word which lifts the veil which lies upon the earth, and wakes all those who sleep and cannot see. God calls to them through you. He needs your voice to speak to them, for who could reach God’s Son except his Father calling through your Self?

Hear Him today, and offer Him your voice to speak to all the multitudes who wait to hear the Word that He will speak today. Be ready for salvation. It is here, and will today be given unto you. And you will learn your function from the One Who chose it in your Father’s Name for you.Listen today and you will hear a Voice Which will resound throughout the world through you. The Bringer of all miracles has need that you receive them first, and thus become the joyous giver of what you received. Thus does salvation start and thus it ends; when everything is yours, and everything is given away, it will remain with you forever. And the lesson has been learned.Today we practice giving, not the way you understand it now, but as it is. The longer exercises should begin with this request for your enlightenment:

“I will be still and listen to the truth. What does it mean to give and to receive?”

Ask and expect an answer. Your request is one whose answer has been waiting long to be received by you. It will begin the ministry for which you came, and which will free the world from thinking giving is a way to lose. And so the world becomes ready to understand and to receive.Be still and listen to the truth today. For each five minutes spent in listening a thousand minds are opened to the truth. And they will hear the holy Word you hear. And when the hour is past, you will again release a thousand more who pause to ask that truth be given them along with you.Today the holy Word of God is kept through your receiving it to give away, so you can teach the world what giving means by listening and learning it of Him. Do not forget today to reinforce your choice to hear and to receive the Word by your reminder, given to yourself as often as is possible today:

“Let me be still and listen to the truth.
I am the messenger of God today,
My voice is His, to give what I receive.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I am the light of the world"-
Audio of daily meditation from the review
lessons of A Course In Miracles
Real MP3 Download MP3

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Call to the Quest

From "Savitri"

O Force-compelled,
Fate-driven earth-born race,
O petty adventurers in an infinite
world and prisoners of a dwarf humanity,

How long will you tread the circling tracks of mind
Around your little self and petty things?
But not for a changeless littleness were you meant,
Not for vain repetition were you built;
Out of the Immortal's substance you were made!

Your actions can be swift revealing steps,
Your life a changeful mould for growing gods.
A Seer, a strong Creator, is within,
The immaculate Grandeur broods upon your days,
Almighty powers are shut in Nature's cells.

A greater destiny waits you in your front:
This transient earthly being if he wills
Can fit his acts to a transcendent scheme.
He who now stares at the world with ignorant eyes
Hardly from the Inconscient's night aroused,
That look at images and not at Truth
Can fill those orbs with an immortal's sight.

Yet shall the godhead grow within your hearts,
You shall awake into the spirit's air
And feel the breaking walls of mortal mind
And hear the message which left life's heart dumb
And look through Nature with sun-gazing lids
And blow your conch-shells at the Eternal's gate.

Authors of earth's high change, to you it is given
To cross the dangerous spaces of the soul
And touch the mighty Mother stark awake
And meet the Omnipotent in this house of flesh
And make of life the million-bodied One.

The earth you tread is a border screened from heaven,
The life you lead conceals the light you are.
-By Sri Aurobindo

About Jesus Christ of Nazareth - The Author of A Course in Miracles

There is no need for help to enter Heaven for you have never left. But there is need for help beyond yourself as you are circumscribed by false beliefs of your Identity, which God alone established in reality.

Helpers are given you in many forms, although upon the altar they are one. Beyond each one there is a Thought of God, and this will never change. But they have names which differ for a time, for time needs symbols, being itself unreal. Their names are legion, but we will not go beyond the names the course itself employs. God does not help because He knows no need. But He creates all Helpers of His Son while he believes his fantasies are true. Thank God for them for they will lead you home.

The name of Jesus is the name of one who was a man but saw the face of Christ in all his brothers and remembered God. So he became identified with Christ, a man no longer, but at one with God. The man was an illusion, for he seemed to be a separate being, walking by himself, within a body that appeared to hold his self from Self, as all illusions do. Yet who can save unless he sees illusions and then identifies them as what they are?

Jesus remains a Savior because he saw the false without accepting it as true. And Christ needed his form that He might appear to men and save them from their own illusions. In his complete identification with the Christ - the perfect Son of God, His one creation and His happiness, forever like Himself and one with Him - Jesus became what all of you must be. He led the way for you to follow him. He leads you back to God because he saw the road before him, and he followed it. He made a clear distinction, still obscure to you, between the false and true. He offered you a final demonstration that it is impossible to kill God's Son; nor can his life in any way be changed by sin and evil, malice, fear or death. And therefore all your sins have been forgiven because they carried no effects at all. And so they were but dreams.

Arise with him who showed you this because you owe him this who shared your dreams that they might be dispelled. And shares them still, to be at one with you. Is he the Christ? O yes, along with you. His little life on earth was not enough to teach the mighty lesson that he learned for all of you. He will remain with you to lead you from the hell you made to God. And when you join your will with his, your sight will be his vision, for the eyes of Christ are shared.

Walking with him is just as natural as walking with a brother whom you knew since you were born, for such indeed he is. Some bitter idols have been made of him who would be only brother to the world. Forgive him your illusions, and behold how dear a brother he would be to you. For he will set your mind at rest at last and carry it with you unto your God.

Is he God's only Helper? No, indeed. For Christ takes many forms with different names until their oneness can be recognized. But Jesus is for you the bearer of Christ's single message of the Love of God. You need no other.

It is possible to read his words and benefit from them without accepting him into your life. Yet he would help you yet a little more if you will share your pains and joys with him, and leave them both to find the peace of God. Yet still it is his lesson most of all that he would have you learn, and it is this:

"There is no death because the Son of God is like his Father. Nothing you can do can change Eternal Love. Forget your dreams of sin and guilt, and come with me instead to share the resurrection of God's son. And bring with you all those whom He has sent to you to care for as I care for you."

*This description of our Savior is from the Manual for Teachers of A Course in Miracles.

Monday, July 25, 2005

I Will be still an instant and go Home

Sunday, July 24, 2005

“Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still.”

“Father, I come to You today to seek the peace that You alone can give. I come in silence. In the quiet of my heart, the deep recesses of my mind, I wait and listen for Your Voice. My Father, speak to me today. I come to hear Your Voice in silence and in certainty and love, sure You will hear my call and answer me.”

Now do we wait in quiet. God is here because we wait together. I am sure that He will speak to you, and you will hear. Accept my confidence, for it is yours. Our minds are joined. We wait with one intent; to hear our Father’s answer to our call, to let our thoughts be still and find His peace, to hear Him speak to us of what we are, and to reveal Himself unto His Son.


Since the beginning of time a Voice has been calling to you. Although its forms are legion, its message is singular.

Listen, now, to this Voice for Truth that is here to assist you in your inevitable transitional passage from a temporal being to the perfect reality of eternal life. This is the herald of the dawn of Truth upon your mind. And what an adventure it is!

Our natural, inevitable metamorphosis has been called by many names: the Kundalini Awakening, entering the New Jerusalem, the Coming of the Holy Spirit, finding the Holy Grail, discovering the Philosopher's Stone, the Fountain of Eternal Youth, the Pearl worth any price, Revelation, the evolutionary Quantum Leap of the species from Homo sapiens to Homo Illumina. . .

This is your awakening and every obstacle that peace must flow across is surmounted in exactly the same way. The fear that raised it yields to the Love beyond, so the fear is gone.

Look about the world, and see the suffering there. Is not your heart willing to bring your weary brothers rest? They must await your own release. They stay in chains till you are free. They cannot see the mercy of the world until you find it in yourself. They suffer pain until you have denied its hold on you. They die till you accept your own eternal life. Your glorious awakening to the Truth of who you are is the light that saves the world. Do not withhold this gift any longer.

Come with me now, and free your mind . . . that your whole world may be free!

Now, are you being called to fulfill the only purpose that ever could have been given for your own sojourn into this meaningless world of loneliness and death. That purpose is your escape from it, through the experience of Self-realization that is offered here.
The world is not left by death, but by Truth.

*This portal of Light is a designated catalyst to facilitate the miracle of your complete transformation to and remembrance of the eternal Self that you thought you lost...