The Voice For Truth

Welcome! Whoever you think you are, wherever you appear to be in the desperate sea of chaos that is this world, let the breath of this timeless Voice of Enlightened Mind rekindle in you the ancient memory of your own perfect reality. This is your transitional passage from time to Eternity, where the prophesy of your Awakening is fulfilled, at last. Thank you for joining me in this Advent of a Great Awakening!

Welcome Message

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Your Quantum Experience

Here is a link to an immediate quantum experience that will take you beyond space and time...directly into the Heart of God.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

What is the Resurrection?

Very simply, the resurrection is the overcoming or surmounting of death. It is a reawakening or a rebirth; a change of mind about the meaning of the world. It is the acceptance of the Holy Spirit's interpretation of the world's purpose; the acceptance of the Atonement for oneself. It is the end of dreams of misery, and the glad awareness of the Holy Spirit's final dream. It is the recognition of the gifts of God. It is the dream in which the body functions perfectly, having no function except communication. It is the lesson in which learning ends, for it is consummated and surpassed with this. It is the invitation to God to take His final step. It is the relinquishment of all other purposes, all other interests, all other wishes and all other concerns. It is the single desire of the Son for the Father.

The resurrection is the denial of death, being the assertion of life. Thus is all the thinking of the world reversed entirely. Life is now recognized as salvation, and pain and misery of any kind perceived as hell. Love is no longer feared, but gladly welcomed. Idols have disappeared, and the remembrance of God shines unimpeded across the world. Christ's face is seen in every living thing, and nothing is held in darkness, apart from the light of forgiveness. There is no sorrow still upon the earth. The joy of Heaven has come upon it.

Here the curriculum ends. From here on, no directions are needed. Vision is wholly corrected and all mistakes undone. Attack is meaningless and peace has come. The goal of the curriculum has been achieved. Thoughts turn to Heaven and away from hell. All longings are satisfied, for what remains unanswered or incomplete? The last illusion spreads across the world, forgiving all things and replacing all attack. The whole reversal is accomplished. Nothing is left to contradict the Word of God. There is no opposition to the truth. And now the truth can come at last. How quickly will it come as it is asked to enter and envelop such a world!

All living hearts are tranquil with a stir of deep anticipation, for the time of everlasting things is now at hand. There is no death. The Son of God is free. And in his freedom is the end of fear. No hidden places now remain on earth to shelter sick illusions, dreams of fear and misperceptions of the universe. All things are seen in light, and in the light their purpose is transformed and understood. And we, God's children, rise up from the dust and look upon our perfect sinlessness. The song of Heaven sounds around the world, as it is lifted up and brought to truth.

Now there are no distinctions. Differences have disappeared and Love looks on Itself. What further sight is needed? What remains that vision could accomplish? We have seen the face of Christ, His sinlessness, His Love behind all forms, beyond all purposes. Holy are we because His holiness has set us free indeed! And we accept His holiness as ours; as it is. As God created us so will we be forever and forever, and we wish for nothing but His Will to be our own. Illusions of another will are lost, for unity of purpose has been found. These things await us all, but we are not prepared as yet to welcome them with joy. As long as any mind remains possessed of evil dreams, the thought of hell is real. God's teachers have the goal of wakening the minds of those asleep, and seeing there the vision of Christ's face to take the place of what they dream. The thought of murder is replaced with blessing. Judgment is laid by, and given Him Whose function judgment is. And in His final judgment is restored the truth about the holy Son of God. He is redeemed, for he has heard God's Word and understood its meaning. He is free because he let God's Voice proclaim the truth. And all he sought before to crucify are resurrected with him, by his side, as he prepares with them to meet his God.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What is Death? Let's be reasonable...

Death is the central dream from which all illusions stem. Is it not madness to think of life as being born, aging, losing vitality, and dying in the end? We have asked this question before, but now we need to consider it more carefully. It is the one fixed, unchangeable belief of the world that all things in it are born only to die. This is regarded as "the way of nature," not to be raised to question, but to be accepted as the "natural" law of life. The cyclical, the changing and unsure; the undependable and the unsteady, waxing and waning in a certain way upon a certain path, - all this is taken as the Will of God. And no one asks if a benign Creator could will this.

In this perception of the universe as God created it, it would be impossible to think of Him as loving. For who has decreed that all things pass away, ending in dust and disappointment and despair, can but be feared. He holds your little life in his hand but by a thread, ready to break it off without regret or care, perhaps today. Or if he waits, yet is the ending certain. Who loves such a god knows not of love, because he has denied that life is real. Death has become life's symbol. His world is now a battleground, where contradiction reigns and opposites make endless war. Where there is death is peace impossible.

Death is the symbol of the fear of God. His Love is blotted out in the idea, which holds it from awareness like a shield held up to obscure the sun. The grimness of the symbol is enough to show it cannot coexist with God. It holds an image of the Son of God in which he is "laid to rest" in devastation's arms, where worms wait to greet him and to last a little while by his destruction. Yet the worms as well are doomed to be destroyed as certainly. And so do all things live because of death. Devouring is nature's "law of life." God is insane, and fear alone is real.

The curious belief that there is part of dying things that may go on apart from what will die, does not proclaim a loving God nor re-establish any grounds for trust. If death is real for anything, there is no life. Death denies life. But if there is reality in life, death is denied. No compromise in this is possible. There is either a god of fear or One of Love. The world attempts a thousand compromises, and will attempt a thousand more. Not one can be acceptable to God's teachers, because not one could be acceptable to God. He did not make death because He did not make fear. Both are equally meaningless to Him.

The "reality" of death is firmly rooted in the belief that God's Son is a body. And if God created bodies, death would indeed be real. But God would not be loving. There is no point at which the contrast between the perception of the real world and that of the world of illusions becomes more sharply evident. Death is indeed the death of God, if He is Love. And now His Own creation must stand in fear of Him. He is not Father, but destroyer. He is not Creator, but avenger. Terrible His Thoughts and fearful His image. To look on His creations is to die.

"And the last to be overcome will be death." Of course! Without the idea of death there is no world. All dreams will end with this one. This is salvation's final goal; the end of all illusions. And in death are all illusions born. What can be born of death and still have life? But what is born of God and still can die? The inconsistencies, the compromises and the rituals the world fosters in its vain attempts to cling to death and yet to think love real are mindless magic, ineffectual and meaningless. God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal. Do you not see that otherwise He has an opposite, and fear would be as real as love? Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part. Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you. What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion. Now it becomes your task to let the illusion be carried to the truth. Be steadfast but in this; be not deceived by the "reality" of any changing form. Truth neither moves nor wavers nor sinks down to death and dissolution. And what is the end of death? Nothing but this; the realization that the Son of God is guiltless now and forever. Nothing but this. But do not let yourself forget it is not less than this.

-From A Course in Miracles, Teacher's Manual

Sunday, November 13, 2005

A Holy Instant with Emerson

Thus revering the soul, and learning, as the ancient said, that "its beauty is immense," man will come to see that the world is the perennial miracle which the soul worketh, and be less astonished at particular wonders; he will learn that there is no profane history; that all history is sacred, that the universe is represented in an atom, in a moment of time. He will weave no longer a spotted life of shreds and patches, but he will live with a divine unity. He will cease from what is base and frivolous in his life and be content with all places and with any service he can render. He will calmly front the morrow in the negligency of that trust which carries God with it and so hath already the whole future in the bottom of the heart.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Oversoul

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Hymn of Thanksgiving

We thank our Father for one thing alone; that we are separate from no living thing, and therefore one with Him. And we rejoice that no exceptions ever can be made which would reduce our wholeness, nor impair or change our function to complete the One Who is Himself completion. We give thanks for every living thing, for otherwise we offer thanks for nothing, and we fail to recognize the gifts of God to us.

This statement from Jesus perfectly expresses my own experience that comes with the dawning of Light in my Mind. This is the full, all-encompassing Self-realization for which I am indescribably grateful - that I have been restored to wholeness through the Grace of God, literally raised from death and isolation to Love and Eternal Life, in this single, ongoing miraculous instant of Grace, and that the whole Sonship is there with me forever, including you! Having felt the relentless pain of being asleep my own human condition, of always being afraid, uncertain about who I am, what my purpose is, not knowing how to find lasting happiness, and being tossed about in a seeming endless sea of chaos and suffering and death in every form imaginable, it was revealed to me that this devastating and unnatural state was brought about by my own futile attempts to manage and control my “reality,” of willfully denying the communication with and sustenance of my very Source of Life. I suddenly found myself (and find myself consistently) down on my knees in a total cry for help…all my attempts to save myself and the world having proved futile...I needed a REAL experience of release from my impossible thoughts reflected in my 'situation' known as 'the world'…and a direct revelation of Self-Knowledge! This only came from the complete act of turning my will and my life over to God.

I am here today to witness for you reading this - that it works! This is the point that everyone comes to in one way or another...where the miracle can truly take over. There really is a whole Loving God, who created you perfectly and eternally, your Kingdom really is not of this world…and this nightmare that you find yourself in (yes, I know this takes a moment of real honesty to admit this) - is not God’s Will for you. It literally is not true…and you need to simply open your mind to the Help that is all around you through the Whole Spirit of Truth - the Holy Spirit - to awaken and be shown the experience of theTruth of who you are, as God created you. And all the fear and suffering and lack of fulfillment that you were dreaming, will literally disappear, never to have been at all. This is my experience and it is the miracle in action.

I could recount hundreds even thousands of miracle stories and healing experiences that have occurred in me and in all of my brothers along the way home…but in essence, they all share this common element, “I can’t, He Will if I let Him…and there is no order of difficulty in miracles.” When I forget, I am always reminded. I am so thankful that everything is given me every instant though His Grace and Love, and for every miracle that has and is replacing all of my thoughts of separation, suffering and death…that I am awakening from my nightmare at last! But finally, my wellspring of boundless gratitude comes from the dawning of Self-knowledge that I experience and that is increased through the continual act of giving it away…of giving as God gives…constantly, indiscriminately, and without demand of any exchange whatsoever. And so, I learn to keep it in my awareness always, and I come to know myself as His Love extending forever, without opposite, beyond the body, beyond this world and into Eternity, where I truly abide with you.

Then let our brothers lean their tired heads against our shoulders as they rest a while. We offer thanks for them. For if we can direct them to the peace that we would find, the way is opening at last to us. An ancient door is swinging free again; a long forgotten Word re-echoes in our memory, and gathers clarity, as we are willing once again to hear.Walk then in gratitude the way of love. For hatred is forgotten when we lay comparisons aside. What more remains as obstacles to peace? The fear of God is now undone at last, and we forgive without comparing. Thus we cannot choose to overlook some things, and yet retain some other things still locked away as sins. When your forgiveness is complete you will have total gratitude, for you will see that everything has earned the right to love by being loving, even as your Self.

Thank you for hearing the call to awaken and for answering with me! The ancient Promise of Salvation is being fulfilled through us, here and now. I Love you! * Kristen

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Be Still, O Soul, and Know

e still, O Soul, and know.
Look unto the One and be illumined.
Rejoice and be glad, for thy Spirit lights the way.
Life up thine eyes and behold Him, for He is fair to look upon.
Listen for His voice, for He will tell thee of marvelous things.
Receive Him, for in His presence there is peace.
Embrace Him, for He is thy Lover.
Let Him tarry with thee, that thou mayest not be lonely.
Take council from Him, for He is wise.
Learn from Him, for He knows.
Be still in His presence and rejoice in His Love forevermore.

-Ernest Holmes, The Science Of Mind