The Voice For Truth

Welcome! Whoever you think you are, wherever you appear to be in the desperate sea of chaos that is this world, let the breath of this timeless Voice of Enlightened Mind rekindle in you the ancient memory of your own perfect reality. This is your transitional passage from time to Eternity, where the prophesy of your Awakening is fulfilled, at last. Thank you for joining me in this Advent of a Great Awakening!

Welcome Message

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Poems of Lalla Ishwari, 14th Century Kashmir

Gently I weep for my mind,
caught in the illusion of ownership.

Mind, you're not who you think you are.
You're dancing over a pit.

Soon you'll fall through,
and these things you've valued
and collected will be left behind.

My sweet dear, do you understand this,
and if you do, how does your food taste?
Awareness cleaned my mind
to a polished mirroring,

The presence came near, and I knew
that That was everything,
and I nothing.
Playfully, you hid from me.
All day I looked.

Then I discovered
I was you,

and the celebration
of That began.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Awake with Ramana Maharshi

The State of Self-Realization is not attaining something new, or reaching some goal which is far away, but simply being that which you have always been. All that is needed is that you give up your realization of the "NOT TRUE" as true. All of us are regarding as real that which is not real. We have only to give up this practice on our part.
The ultimate truth is so simple. It is nothing more than being in the pristine state. This is all that need be said.
Only mature minds can grasp the simple truth in all its nakedness.
When you pray for God's grace you are like some one standing neck-deep in water and yet crying for the water.
The reality which shines fully, without misery, and without a body, not only when the world is known but also when the world is not known is your real form.
There is only one state, that of consciousness or awareness or existence. The three states of waking dream and sleep cannot be real. They simply come and go. The real will always exist.
The ego self (separate self) does not exist at all. The ego self appears and disappears and is transitory whereas the real Self is permanent. Though you are actually the true Self you wrongly identify the real Self with the ego self.
There is no goal to be reached. There is nothing to be attained. You are the Self. You exist always. Nothing more can be predicated of the Self than that it exists.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Portal Home

Here is a audio/video portal to a whole new experience of experience beyond time and space...where you discover yourself as the perfect creation of God. Dive in! I Love you!!!!