My Hymn of Thanksgiving

This statement from Jesus perfectly expresses my own experience that comes with the dawning of Light in my Mind. This is the full, all-encompassing Self-realization for which I am indescribably grateful - that I have been restored to wholeness through the Grace of God, literally raised from death and isolation to Love and Eternal Life, in this single, ongoing miraculous instant of Grace, and that the whole Sonship is there with me forever, including you! Having felt the relentless pain of being asleep my own human condition, of always being afraid, uncertain about who I am, what my purpose is, not knowing how to find lasting happiness, and being tossed about in a seeming endless sea of chaos and suffering and death in every form imaginable, it was revealed to me that this devastating and unnatural state was brought about by my own futile attempts to manage and control my “reality,” of willfully denying the communication with and sustenance of my very Source of Life. I suddenly found myself (and find myself consistently) down on my knees in a total cry for help…all my attempts to save myself and the world having proved futile...I needed a REAL experience of release from my impossible thoughts reflected in my 'situation' known as 'the world'…and a direct revelation of Self-Knowledge! This only came from the complete act of turning my will and my life over to God.
I am here today to witness for you reading this - that it works! This is the point that everyone comes to in one way or another...where the miracle can truly take over. There really is a whole Loving God, who created you perfectly and eternally, your Kingdom really is not of this world…and this nightmare that you find yourself in (yes, I know this takes a moment of real honesty to admit this) - is not God’s Will for you. It literally is not true…and you need to simply open your mind to the Help that is all around you through the Whole Spirit of Truth - the Holy Spirit - to awaken and be shown the experience of theTruth of who you are, as God created you. And all the fear and suffering and lack of fulfillment that you were dreaming, will literally disappear, never to have been at all. This is my experience and it is the miracle in action.
I could recount hundreds even thousands of miracle stories and healing experiences that have occurred in me and in all of my brothers along the way home…but in essence, they all share this common element, “I can’t, He Will if I let Him…and there is no order of difficulty in miracles.” When I forget, I am always reminded. I am so thankful that everything is given me every instant though His Grace and Love, and for every miracle that has and is replacing all of my thoughts of separation, suffering and death…that I am awakening from my nightmare at last! But finally, my wellspring of boundless gratitude comes from the dawning of Self-knowledge that I experience and that is increased through the continual act of giving it away…of giving as God gives…constantly, indiscriminately, and without demand of any exchange whatsoever. And so, I learn to keep it in my awareness always, and I come to know myself as His Love extending forever, without opposite, beyond the body, beyond this world and into Eternity, where I truly abide with you.
Then let our brothers lean their tired heads against our shoulders as they rest a while. We offer thanks for them. For if we can direct them to the peace that we would find, the way is opening at last to us. An ancient door is swinging free again; a long forgotten Word re-echoes in our memory, and gathers clarity, as we are willing once again to hear.Walk then in gratitude the way of love. For hatred is forgotten when we lay comparisons aside. What more remains as obstacles to peace? The fear of God is now undone at last, and we forgive without comparing. Thus we cannot choose to overlook some things, and yet retain some other things still locked away as sins. When your forgiveness is complete you will have total gratitude, for you will see that everything has earned the right to love by being loving, even as your Self.
Thank you for hearing the call to awaken and for answering with me! The ancient Promise of Salvation is being fulfilled through us, here and now. I Love you! * Kristen
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